Indoor Air Quality

Bacteria, mold, pollen viruses, dust mites, are contaminants that breed in Ventillation & air-conditioning ducts. Breathing contaminated air results in symptoms related to cough fever, chills, allergy, upper respiratory congestion etc. Because of these health hazards, Al Naseem is offering duct cleaning in a cost effective manner by a remote controlled equipment and video recording resulting in a cleaner duct being circulated in your air conditioned space, it is a starter to provide a better indoor air quality through our Air Duct Cleaning Services. (IAQ).

WiFi Digital Programmable Thermostat

With the technology being upgraded every day, we have the latest Wi-Fi Thermostat which is programmable and through an application on your smart phone you can control your air conditioning wherever you are in the world. This would also help you to save electrical consumption and be a part in the initiative for a greener world.


CRAC Units installation (Computer Room Precision Units)

Our team is qualified to install all leading brands of CRAC units (Climaveneta, Liebert, Airedale, Stulz )  equipment as per manufactures recommendations and customer requirements.
